Menu Indietro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Page 03

We have tried  to intervene  directly  from Central Computer,  suspecting some 
block of functions,  but to a superficial examination  all it seems to work in 
appropriate way.  Just we  can't understand  what is  happening.  According to 
Central Computer  the flow  of the births continues  to proceed as established 
from Software and no anomaly of system is reported. The birth of Cross-section 
5, Sector 1, is previewed at 03:00 p.m., and we do not know if it will be come 
true.  Instead the Sectors, from 2 until 2700, that is the last one, are still 
behaved  in  a  totally  normal  way ". " Much  strange  one ",  asserted  the 
professor Carpitelli, " and also much dangerous one, if this phenomenon had to 
be disseminated also to the other sectors. It is necessary to convene a Crisis 
Unit in order  to resolve quickly  this problem,  but above all it must inform 
World-wide Council of happened.  Now it's 01:45 p.m..  I propose of adjourning 
between  approximately  2 hours  in the main room  of Research and Development 
Section.  You assemble  a team of 4 or 5 elements,  taking your choise between 
the best ones  than which  we arrange.  In the meantime  I will put  myself in 
contact with the politicians to inform them of what it is happening. We gather 
at 03:30 p.m.,  so we will know also  if the phenomenon has extended  to other 
Cross-sections  or  if  it  is  remained  only circumscribed to those three.". 
Without  to  reply  the  professor  Albani  turned  and  exited  from the room 
energetically, pushing the door behind of himself. Professor Carpitelli arched 
his brows and shaked disconsolate his head when the door shut, alas!, noisily. 
Then he got hold  of keyboard of the Videophone and dialed quickly the private 
number of World-wide Council Secretary. 
Chapter 1 is on following pages:
01 02 03

I have written this my tale in Italian language and after I have translated it in English language.
If you find some my translation's error, excuse me and send me an e-mail with the correct version. Thanx !!
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