Biology is the science that studies the living organisms ("Bios" in Greek means "Life").
The word Biology was coined at the beginning of 1800 from G.R. Treviranus and J.B. Lamarck,
but in effects the first surveys on the nature of the living beings, both philosophical and technical
level, go back quite to the ancient Greeks. However in 1800, thanks to the progresses of Chemist
and of Evolution Theory, the conception of the being living as a whole of chemical and physical
processes was asserted. About year 1825 the improvement of the microscope and the study
of the cells gave a new operating principle to the Biology, that it was concentrated on the development
of the organism, through the Embryology, and on the Evolution Theory, considered expressions of a
dynamic morphology. A temporary connection with Physiology was created, that defined
the biological phenomenon as a physicist-chemical process totally random. In the last decades
new mathematical and scientific surveys theorize about the definition that all the biological concepts
are translatable in explicable terms thanks to Physics. Currently Biology studies mainly the life,
understood as macromolecular structure, interacting with Chemistry and Physics and working
fully in Genetics.