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TUTORIAL: How to Model a 3D Tress
                                    P  R  E  M  I  S  E

The goal is to model a 3D tress with Lightwave © Modeler, of Newteck Inc. ©, without the help 
of anyone plugin,  but only with the tools  and  the options supplied with the basis program. 
This tutorial  is good either for Pc  or  for MacIntosh computers.  Click with mouse on small 
picture near the words and you can see them more large.  
                                 P  R  O  C  E  D  U  R   E
Open Lightwave Modeler, go to Objects menu, click on the 
left  on  "Disc"  button  and  after on "Numeric" button 
(from  keyboard "n").  Apply  these  settings: Sides=24, 
Segments=1,  Bottom=0,  Top=0,   Axis=Y,  Center: X=0 m, 
Y=0 m, Z=0 m, Radii: X=250 mm, Y=250 mm, Z=250 mm. Click 
on "OK". Click on "make" (from keyboard "Return"). Click 
again  on  "Disc"  button   to  deselect   this  option. 
 Now in Modeler windows it will show a circle put down on 
 X and Z axis,  as you  can  see in the "top View" of the 
 same Modeler.  Look the picture here  on the left to see 
 if it is as the object you have created in your Modeler. 
Go to "Multiply" menu, select on the left of your screen 
the "Lathe" button (from keyboard "Shift+L")  and  after 
push  the "numeric" button  (from keyboard "n").  In the 
panel that  will appear in front at your eyes insert the 
same setting  as in the picture here on rigth,  that is: 
Start Angle=0.0, End Angle=720.0, Sides=96, Offset=1,5 m 
Center Axis X=0 m, Y=0 m, Z=0 m.  Click on "OK" and come 
back in main screen of Modeler. 
 Click on "Make" button (from keyboard "Return").  Click 
 again on "Lathe" button to deselct this option. 
A little faceted  and  with some bad flipped faces tress 
will appear in Preview View, on right of Modeler screen. 
 Go  to  "Polygon" menu  and  select  on  the left of the 
 screen the "Surface" button (from keyboard "q").  Insert 
 the  "Tress"  name  in  the  right space  on the "Change 
 Surface" panel  that will show and click with mouse near 
 "Double-sided" and "Smooth" options. At the end click on 
 "Apply" button. 
Go to "Display" menu,  select  on the left of the screen 
the "Fit" button (from keyboard "a"),  so your 3D object 
will fill anyone  of 4 views of Modeler,  as you can see 
in the picture here on the right.
 You have made  your  3D tress.  Obviously you can always 
 modify some paramenters according to your needs: in fact 
 you  can modify  the number  of turnings that your tress 
 will have  (you  must  change  the "End Angle"  value in 
 numeric panel  of "Lathe" function, in "Multiply" menu), 
 or the tress colour,  etc.  Here  on the left there is a 
 picture  with a big version  of the 3D tress  in Preview 
 View window. 


I have written this page in Italian language and after I have translated it in English language.
If you find some my translation's error, excuse me and send me an e-mail with the correct version. Thanx !!
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All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 by Francesco Franceschi.