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Page 03

After  a few  of minutes  he was already  talking with the men at the next table, he 
did  not  remember  even  of what  they had talked,  just he wanted only to hear the 
sound  of another human voice  and  to talk  freely,  also about trifling topics. He 
remained there for hours and he had also drunk enough wine. At the end, reluctantly, 
he went back in car and he returned to the village "of silence", as by now he called 
it,  talking  by himself.  Unfortunately he had to complete the cure for his nervous 
breakdown  and  this was  the only reason  that  withheld him  in that place.  Then, 
without any warning,  the car had stopped to the periphery of Vitrulio and the motor 
had refused to leave again. Also the battery had worked little minutes more, by dint 
of fruitless attempts  of starting. Therefore he was come down and he had set out on 
foot  towards  his apartment.  It was ten in the night  and  he was a lot irritated. 
Obviously a total silence  there was around him.  The sidewalk even seemed to absorb 
in an excessive  way  the noise  of his steps.  After  a short time  he  arrived  in 
near  the  center  of the village.  The walk  had  made  to vanish good part  of his 
nervousness.  The drunk wine  in the afternoon  newly  began to infuse a good amount 
of joy into his body. Only that overwhelming silence still annoyed him a lot.  Noone 
seemed be  around  and  all the windows of the houses were dark. A malicious thought 
crossed his mind:  he could make  the noise,  in spite  of those yokels who lived in 
that sheet place!  For a few he continued to walk,  but the idea to shake, also only 
for a moment,  the quiet around him,  seemed him more and more amusing. Therefore he 
stopped and began to sing at the top of his powerful and baritone voice,  an obscene 
coarse song:  "At the cemetery tavern!  It happened a black fact!  Two cadavers...", 
a powerful roar  of water skimmed  over  him  and  broke  up  close  to  his  shoes. 
The tale "The Silence" is on following pages:
01 02 03 04 05

I have written this my tale in Italian language and after I have translated it in English language.
If you find some my translation's error, excuse me and send me an e-mail with the correct version. Thanx !!
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