The introduction of new technologies in school environment of every degree has made the constant updating indispensable for the teaching staff, therefore to keep up with the evolving of new techniques and disciplines. What a time was an updating process that was carried out in a gradual way and it did not required an excessively onerous engagement, today it is changed in radical way. The new technologies advance with a really fast rhythm and are changing in a substantial way our society. The use of new instruments, often totally disowned for the most part of the people, has made an uproarious and overbearing income in every aspect of our existence. For these reasons the instruction, that it is closely tied to the youth world, endures still more deeply the influence of these new changes. The instructions must be adapted to the new technologies. The computer is the more obvious symbol of this radical change that is in act. For this there is the absolute necessity for the teaching staff of mastering the new technologies. The Fine Arts Academy of L'Aquila is in the vanguard about this, because has announced a series of refresher courses for the teaching staff, besides providing of an efficient network of computers of the last generation, reserved to the instruction and to the learning of new and classic disciplines, partially reinterpreted by the light of these new technologies. The refresher course on 3D Computer Graphic for the Teaching Staff has caused great interest in Academic Year 1999-2000, both for its novelty and because it is closely relating to the new and emergent artistic disciplines to world-wide level. The 3D program used for this experimental course is "Lightwave 3D" ©. It is one of the most important 3Dprograms of the whole world, used from years in a lot of cinematographic, television and theatrical productions. The extreme versatility and the practical and much diffuse use, to world-wide level, of this 3D program has directed the choice about its employment like the instrument of work of this Course of study. It is not required any previous detailed knowledge of the computer or some preparation in 3D Computer Graphic from the students enrolled to the course, even if obviously a basic and general elementary acquaintance of the computer can facilitate the approach towards these new technologies. During the development of the Experimental Course the students are shared in differnt working groups, everyone of which will complete, at the conclusion of the cycle of studies, just an original and suit project of 3D virtual Stage Design, meant as formulation of the Project (Storyboard), modelling of original 3D objects, creation of the 3D Stage Design and final Rendering of Images and Animation related to the Project. |