A Subliminal Message is a stimulus, translatable in an image or a sound, whose intensity of transmission
is under the level of conscious perception of the subject that is subjected to it, but that it succeeds equally
in influence him. Therefore the subject does not realize anithing at conscious level, but its brain reacts at
the stimulus or the transmitted order, suffering it without being able to activate the natural defences against
the external conditionings, which the human organism it has. It is a very dangerous technique, because it
can easy influence the subject that endures it. In the case of visual signals, this technique is based on
the difference of speed of perception of the eye with the brain and on the different amount of images that
an individual perceives at conscious and unconscious level. A television or cinematographic programme,
as for example a film, constantly sendes to us from the screen photograms (or images) at the rhythm
of 25 every second. If one of these photograms contains an inscription or an image that it pushes us
to complete a sure action, and it is sended us with to the other normal photograms of film, that describe
an absolutely different situation, our eyes, at conscious level, do not notice anything of strange, while our
brain, to unconscious level, endures that order passively and can induce the subject to complete the demanded
action, also if he does not want make it at conscious level. For this reason the subliminal publicity has been
practically forbidden in all the democratic countries, also if the real force of its coercive effectiveness never has
been studied on a great number of subjects. In the case instead of audio signals, this technique is based on the
analogous fact that the ear has one limited band of conscious perception of the sound. This perception of the ear
goes from 30 to 25,000 vibrations every second. Translating these values in decibels, we can say that the human
auditive ability varies from 0 to 140 decibels. Beyond this maximum value the threshold of the pain caused from
too much high sounds is exceeded with consequent serious damages. If therefore some sonorous signals of
inferior intensity to the normal audibility, mixed with normally heard sounds or musics, are sent to a subject,
then the listener will receive two distinguished signals: the first will be a conscious signal, that it will come heard
from the left hemisphere of the brain, and the other will be an unconscious signal, that it will influence the less
conscious levels of the human psyche, where the greatest part of the human tensions is generated. This technique
gives rise to the subliminal relaxation and, if it is applied regularly, it allows the subject to find again the calm and
it predisposes him to sleep.